No Gold Eggplant Club Members

Sometimes, those who use fruit angrily don't want anything given to them in return. Those people carry their fruit in, and leave without any treasure at all. There are 11 people who are known to have completed an unseeded solo no gold eggplant run. The first was Pibonacci, because of course it was. All 11 known members of the No Gold Eggplant Club are listed below, for all eternity, in alphabetical order.

Members of the No Gold Eggplant Club

Baq 24:46.645

Brutwarst 47:18.739

D_tea 12:06.989

DieDai 23:04.611

GC 25:52.451

Hectique 10:51.481

Ix 18:11.477

Jjg27 12:33.937

Kinnijup 19:13.626

Pibonacci 36:59.656

Spef 15:43.445

The undisputed King of Fruit is Brutwarst, who had at one point completed more eggplant runs than everyone else combined, or thereabouts.

These times are parsed from the official list on Moss Ranking. Show them some love.